Saturday, November 26, 2016

Many things to be Thankful for:

Learning how franchising works has given me a new insight what to expect in owning a franchise. I see the good and the bad and I have witnesses the good and the bad. I can say I mostly like the good. I like walking into an establishment and knowing exactly what to expect. I can tell when it is a franchise owned company or an individual owned. I worked for the Hilton Corporation many years and they had a set standard. I can tell when I walk into an individual hotel that is not ran by a franchise and could tell the difference from the cleanliness down to the type of customer service I would receive. There is many perks to owning a franchise the brand recognition and the trademark is a positive part of starting a franchise. When studying the cases such as IceDelights the learned that this was not a “business in a box” there is a lot of research to pursue. There is no guarantee with anything and they will have to take a risk.
I love listening to Steve Job’s he is so inspiring and has great advice. He had been fired from a company he started but that did not let him down, he was able to start new and founded NeXT and Pixar. He eventually was hire back with Apple inc. and was able to head a number of great projects such as I Tunes, I Pod, iPad and I phone.
Acton Hero Nichole Donnelly was also inspiring she had to learn to become a leader and she has to work hard to gain credibility with others. She was determined to not quit but to continue and commit to building something create.

$100 Challenge is doing ok we have had some challenges in collecting more items to have a larger inventory base. The problem is not having an assortment of sizes.

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