Saturday, December 3, 2016

Am I ready?

Buying a business is a big decision and reading the material this week has opened my eyes to wanting to become a business owner. This week has been filled with a lot of joy and sorrow. My son was accepted into a couple of Dental Schools and my husband was hired on with a good company overseeing its marketing.
We have been self-employed for many years and we decided a few years ago to call it quits. Our machinery was old and in need of repair and it was beginning to cost us more to repair than what we were making. My husband took a teaching job and taught in the industry for 7 years. The school decided to cancel the program and he was unemployed. With his age we did not think that he would be able to get hired on so we did begin to look at potential businesses. This lesson as made me familiar with both the franchises and independently owned companies. We are still in research and still wondering if this will be the good fit for us. Do we want to start a family business? Our children were all grown and beginning their own careers so we doubt that they will want to join us.

Erick Slaubaugh was the Acton Hero we read about this week and I learned about his journey he was on. He challenged himself all the way to become the CEO in his family business. He had to earn his way and prove that he can succeed. 

$100 project
My $100 Dollar Challenge has been difficult, what I thought would be a simple venture ended up being more difficult than I had thought. My Father in law took ill and it required a lot of my attention helping my mother in law take care of him. This left little time to devote to the business. During the Christmas break I will taking my inventory to a store that will sell them. My books ended up breaking even because my intent was to provide a dress for every girl not matter what they can afford.

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