Friday, November 11, 2016

Customers are #1

I love that we have the opportunity to learn from real entrepreneurs. This past week we learned about Matt Stewart who has in his lifetime started 13 companies. He learned through each of them what his successful and failure where. I was able to learn from Matt that no matter what direction I am heading things can always change the course. We must learn how to control the inner marketer and to not always get caught up thinking that we can do anything. We should stay focus and not let little distraction like the "shiny object" get in our way.

Jet Blue is a great example of turning an ordinary industry into a great company. I personally love flying Jet Blue because I know I will always get exceptional service. That is what they strive for and has set them apart from the other airline companies. You can tell they treat their employees well and that reflect to the passengers.

My $100 challenge was put on the side as we asses the inventory. We have had a few purchases but I have had a family emergency that has not allowed me to be around the home store. This next week we will gear up for winter formal and try and bring in more revenue. The Challenge that we have had so far is repairing and cleaning some of the items that were donated. It is costing us more than we had anticipated.

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