Friday, November 4, 2016

First Impression

First impressions I feel is the best way to keep your customers coming back. I enjoyed Guy Kawasaki talk I even brought my husband in to listen. He is preparing for an interview with a Hospital doing their social media. Guy has this presence about him that keeps you wanting more. He was very engaging. So what i learned this week was the importance of first impressions. He talked about Zappos and Nordstoms and I would have thought the same thing about both of those stores. They are very accommodating to their customers that keep them coming back. Knowing that I can return any product with no questions asked is a plus in my book. I like to order things on line and it is a simple process to return items.
I learned what kind of leader I was and I can better understand how I can achieve success with my customers. I believe that we can become great leaders by changing the way we think. Not all great leaders are born, many times we learn and improve constantly. We try to challenge ourselves to be better and to be like Christ who was the perfect leader.
Learning what the difference between the Sheeps and the Shepherd and the Sheepherder remember to take care of the one and the others will follow eventually. Getting to know who our clients are know them and love them. It is a sacrifice to be a good leader but if it is something you believe in it is worth the sacrifice.
Acton Hero this week was Ken Zolot and wow! What a great enthusiastic person. He charged head first. He was brought up with parents that taught him a strong value of accountability. It was good to see that he struggled to be what the teachers wanted him to act like. He was an active boy who pushed himself to the edge. He gave what his customers wanted. He was not afraid. He held himself accountable for his actions.
100 project going full force ahead and is looking great. I do want to make sure the first impression is great. I want these girls to feel great. I want them to have a blessed life. I care what they feel and they are all beautiful.

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