Saturday, November 19, 2016

Humble Beginnings!



This week I got to learn about some remarkable women. Roxanne Quimly who with her partner founded Burt's Bees. I think she was not looking for fortune she was just wanting to make her way in the world. Her sisters were both successful but that track was not for her. She lived a very simple life with minimal expenses. She used her resources. Her friend Burt was a bee farmer who sold his honey off of his truck. She saw the opportunity to make Bees wax candles and then flourished into other natural beauty products. She never lost her humble beginnings if fact she longed for the time she can move back to Main.
Another woman we got to learn about was Catherine Rohr who was very inspirational in making a positive change in society be starting the Prison Entrepreneurship program.  This opened her eyes to what she was so afraid of. Catherine had faith and a vision and she kept her eye on the end goal. Everyone has the opportunity to make a change for the better. She was originally shut down but that did not stop her. She kept her eye on the end goal. She was committed to the cause and she truly made a difference.

My $100 project has slowed down for the season. We did not make the money that I thought we would be able to make. I wanted the girls to feel beautiful and I was not focused on the money. At the end of this class I will ship all remaining formals and dresses to a relatives store in Toole, Utah called Encore Dresses. She will continue selling these dresses and I will focus on a new project with my husband. These last few weeks have been tough trying to meet the demands and a sick father in law. My time is being spread thin. I have had a couple young girls that would come and let the perspective buyers in to look.
Learning the process and improving on the idea is something I need to take back to the drawing board. I need to improve upon what I have and look for ways I can increase the sales.

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