Sunday, October 9, 2016

What I have learned this week from Paul Robshaw and Heather Evans

Paul Robshaw is an action hero because he has a desire to work hard and to do the right thing. He said when he went through bankruptcy that at least he was able to keep his values.. I appreciate his willingness to stay the course even when it hard. Just like Robshaw said, “success isn’t easy, it takes a lot of hard work.” Part of success isn’t making money, it’s sticking to the core values such as honesty and integrity.
Heather Evans had the education background but lacked the career focus to succeed. She need to bring on someone who can help her in that next step in becoming a world class designer.
E-Myth I learned the three type of business owners:
  • The Technician is someone - a bicycle mechanic, computer programmer, cook, etc... - Who is an expert in his or her craft.  This often leads these people to go into business for themselves - they're good at what they do, and they know it, so why not reap the rewards of their labor?  The technician is happiest doing the work they are good at and ignoring the rest, which is, in the end, a recipe for failure.
  • The Entrepreneur is the dreamer, the one who sets out to do something new, who reaches for the stars.  The Entrepreneur lives in the future, thinking about what could be (rather than in the present).  The Entrepreneur is often frustrated by how slow the world seems to move.
  • The Manager is the detail-oriented one, who dots the “i's” and crosses the “t's”, the one who remembers to pay the bills, and wants a well-organized world with no surprises; a world where things happen in an orderly, predictable manner.
I loved how he went through and diagnosed what the problem was with the bakery. She was the technician and wanted to do everything. My husband and I had a small print business and he was the technician. He worked the long hours and could not hire anyone because no one was as good as he was. He did not want to trust anyone to do the job. In the end we ended up closing because he could not focus on retaining clients and keep up with the work flow on his own. This book has opened my eyes to how we could of done things differently

Up date on the $100 business

still working on obtaining dresses. I have received a few to begin with. Hoping to receive a few more since most of the homecoming dances are over. This will be challenging as I am more for a non-profit status. I am just wanting to make a girls experience going to a formal not cost more than a new car. I want them to feel beautiful like they walked off of a New York runway. I am now thinking I should contact some local hair stylist to see if they would not mind helping these girls feel even more beautiful.

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