Saturday, October 15, 2016

Humble, Motivation - Can they work together.

Business Creation

Can you be humble and motivated at the same time? Being a humble person in the business world is what I learned from this weeks Acton Hero Desh Deshpande. I believe when you come to this country with only $8 you will need to have motivation to succeed and he showed he had the passion and willingness to make it and become the best he can. It is okay to make a failed attempt at a business, you learn from it and move on. He never gave up on his dream.

This week I had the opportunity to learn about one of our clients who loved books and collecting them. She turned her love into a job. When she began coming to our firm she was barely making enough money to survive. Now she is one of the biggest book sellers on the internet. I am excited to tour her warehouse and learn more about her business. I will also meet with an old friend that recently moved back into my area and began a franchise with her son. These will both be amazing interviews. I am really looking forward to meeting with both of these women.

My $100 Challenge is going okay I have received in stock a few dresses and hoping for more so I can begin to sell these dresses on line. I know most young women do not have a lot of money so I am excited to give them the opportunity to purchase a dress for the amount they may earn doing a babysitting job.

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