Saturday, October 22, 2016

Never give up on your dreams...

Phil gave some very prophetic advice. It’s all about service and giving people what they want. What a concept in today’s culture. He never gave up on his dreams and was not afraid of failure. I think most of us are afraid of failure and give up too soon. He had the entrepreneurial skills in his blood from a young child when he had his paper route customers put a value on his service. He gave them what they wanted and was able to make some money by offering a service. It may take a little extra effort but he provided something that they wanted. Money is not everything to Phil he said money is an applause and he creates things to help people. He began to dabble in the venture capital game and he angel funded an invention that some of his doctor friends came up with that eventually helped many patience. Phil has lots of energy and he created that in his restaurants. His words were if you wanted someplace quiet and romantic to eat go to a funeral home. I love the energy he has and I agree. Eating out should be a fun experience. You have to go against the grain.

I can take Phil's advice and never give up on my dreams. Which my dream is to finish my degree. I really do not know where I want to go from there, I have raised my family, owned a business now I just want my degree. I kind of did this all backwards But I know it will be a goal that I have wanted my whole entire life. 

The $100 Challenge has been a challenge. I have storage issues, well really closet space to store the dresses in. I will have to purchase a rolling rack and I hopefully will be able to find a used one that will not cost me too much. That was an expense I did not plan on having. Other than that things our going great. Dresses are coming in and I hope to have time to get the website completed.

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